TE David Njoku (6.12.24)

Let’s get the elephant in the room out of the way. Do you support John Kelly’s decision in getting Granny Smith out at first? 

“Hell, yeah, I do. Listen, man, this is a competitive sport and all that we do, we compete, okay? Now, with that being said, afterwards, we got blown out. So, you know, it is what it is. We got her out. I stand by it for sure.” 


Are you pretty bummed that Team Garrett blew you guys out the way they did? 

“I mean, of course we got blown out. Yeah, I am pretty bummed. But it’s okay, you know, better luck next year, right?” 


I talked to Johnny (Gargano). He said the teams were kind of lopsided. 

“Yeah, I didn’t make the teams. You know, it was my event, but I did not make a team. So next year, I’ll be more hands-on with that, and we’ll make it very even. Not, you know how it was.” 


Amari (Cooper) was at that event, right? He’s not out here, but how good was it to have him here for the weekend and being able to spend time with him?
“It’s always good to have all my brothers show up to an event like that, you know, especially the fans. It was a great outcome, great event, great energy, a great time.” 


David, what has he meant to this passing game these last few years? 



David, what has Amari (Cooper) meant to the passing game these last few years?  

“I mean, I think his stats say all that needs to be said, you know. I mean, he’s a beast, a true beast. So we’re very glad to have him on the team.” 


How are you guys kind of responding with him not being out here? Have you talked to him? 

“I haven’t talked to him yet. I mean, honestly speaking, it is what it is. At the end of the day, he has his reasons. I’m sure the Browns are in conversation, you know, with them, I’m sure they’re communicating, so I’m not really too worried about it. Like, as long as he’s there by September week one, that’s all we got to worry about.” 


You and Myles (Garrett) came in as these super young bright-eyed rookies together. How does it feel now that you guys are kind of the vets on this team? 

“Yeah, it’s crazy, right? We’re on year eight. Felt like yesterday it was our rookie year. It’s a blessing at the end of the day, you know, we’ve come a long way, but we didn’t come this far, just to come this far. You know, we came this far with a purpose, and I think everybody knows what that purpose is, and we are doing our best to obtain that purpose.” 


The individual year you had last year and the stats and all of that, what do you have planned for an encore? What do you think you can still accomplish? 

“Be better than who I was just today at the end of the day, you know what I mean? Yeah, that was all exciting. That was last year. You know, it’s behind us. So, our focus is on this year.” 


David, Myles was joking about how he wanted to be involved in the new kickoff rules. What were your thoughts? 

“I mean, you could really put Myles anywhere at his size, at his speed, at his power, you know what I mean? I’m sure he would succeed despite everything.” 


Would you want to be involved in it? 

“No, I’m okay.” 


What if he took some of your reps at tight end? 

“I mean, he can definitely do some of the blocking stuff. I want to block still, not all of it, but some of it I can give it to him. Yeah.” 


How much is this going to change the game that you guys gameplan and just the speed of the game and excitement with this new rule? I know special teams is not your thing, but just from afar, when you. 

“I guess we’ll see. You know, I mean, I don’t really know. Imma watch, just like y’all. See how it goes.” 


You mentioned that it feels like yesterday was your very first year. So how cognizant are you of, like, how quickly time moves and how much? 

“Time is flying by each year faster and faster, you know. So, I just try my best to be more present, be in the now and enjoy every second.” 


When you get out here for camp, does it feel like riding a bike, like getting right back on it? 

“I mean, just the energy, the long days. At this point, it’s life, so I’m just used to it.” 


This is the first chance we’ve gotten to talk to you. I mean, outside of the softball game, obviously. What were you doing in the weeks that OTAs were going on? I don’t know if you were in and out of the building at all. 

“I was mostly in Miami training. Miami’s excruciatingly hot right now, so this is really nothing compared to how it is in Miami.” 


What have you seen from this offense early on? 

“A lot of excitement, man. I said earlier maybe last week that it was juicy. I stand by that ten toes, so it’s very juicy. I’m just gonna leave it at that. I don’t want to say too much. It’s a juicy offense.” 


David, you said last year is last year, but was it gratifying to kind of have that breakout, especially in that second half, and kind of be the player I know you wanted to be for these past few years? 

“Yeah, it was good. Gratifying, you know, but I feel like there’s a lot more that needs to be done. So that’s why we’re here working today, to get the work done and do what we’re capable of doing.” 


What about just playing out here with Deshaun (Watson) as he’s still working through that shoulder injury? What have you seen from him individually so far? And I know you said the offense is going to be juicy. How exciting is that to have in out here? 

“Honestly, the best word to describe everything is growth. Growth in him, growth in myself, growth in the team, growth of just being better than who we were yesterday. And that’s really all you can ask for, just being better than who were yesterday, being that 1% better. So, we’re working hard as a team and as individuals to be better.” 


I think you’ve done it before, but I’m curious, are you going to Tight End University this year? 

“I might. I think I’m going to be in Nigeria at the time. So, we’ll see how it goes.”  

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