QB Deshaun Watson (7.26.24)

Deshaun (Watson), the big news to us yesterday was that Kevin (Stefanski) is going to be calling plays. Is that news to you?

“No, we already spoke on it before camp, so I kind of knew.”


Is that when you learned who would be the official play-caller just before camp?

“Yeah, you know, we had our conversation, had our meeting and, yeah, he told me how camp was gonna go and how the season was kinda gonna go with the play call.”


Deshaun, you threw consecutive days now the last two days. Throw eleven-on-eleven today. How much farther down the line do you feel like you are compared to where maybe two months ago you thought you might be at this point in time?

“Like I’ve been saying before, I’m right on track. I’m right where I want to be. I’m right where the doctors wanted me to be. And you know, just continue to follow the process, continuing to follow the script and taking it one day at a time and just locked in on the process of what’s ahead of us.”


Does it feel any different when you’re in team drills as opposed to doing a little seven-on-seven in minicamp?

“As far as?”


Does it feel like, I guess, another milestone?

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, this is the goal,  to get the training camp and have no limit. So, yeah, each day is a milestone for me until we get to game one. So, you know, just trying to get better, just trying to continue to get back to the person I feel like I am and, yeah, just keep working each and every day.”


A couple weeks ago at your tournament, you were talking about (Ken) Dorsey. You made the remark that he “lets me be me.” Can that still happen with Kevin calling plays?

“Yeah, they work together. It’s a combination of both of those guys working together with the gameplay.”


So how do you feel about the way it ended up? Kevin calling the plays and really a different kind of offense.

“It’s not, it’s going to be the same. They work together. So, what, I mean, as far as I know, it’s going to be the same.”


How do you think you did during the offseason? We’ve seen you do eleven-on-eleven. How do you think you did during that stretch?

“It’s good. You know, the key in the training camp is just focusing one play at a time and just trying to execute that play versus whatever the defense is scheming up for us and just taking completions, getting positive yards and, you know, whatever mistakes or situations that pop up that you didn’t see on the field, you watch the tape and you correct it the next day. So, you know, we felt good of just stacking those days. And that’s all we can do right now.”


Kevin said that he thought that it’s a possibility you guys kind of run more up tempo. Amari (Cooper) talked about Ken Dorsey wanting to run as many play as possible. What’s your perspective on that and how do you think it can help this offense?

“It’s great with me. I mean, that’s what I’ve been doing my whole life, my whole career. So there’s nothing new in my way I play the game and the way I came up from high school, college, and even my first couple years in the league. So, yeah, I’m cool and comfortable with all that.”


How confident are you that you can better than you’ve ever been before in your career, even coming off of this surgery? And what makes you feel that way?

“Because I’m self-confident.”


And what about the fact that does it have to do with the offense also that they’re installing and then maybe the supporting cast that they put around you? It seems like all the pieces are in place to maximize your skillset this year.

“Yeah, that’s the key is pick pieces around me that I can maximize and guys that can execute it at a high level and get the ball in space to those guys so they can help me out. And we all got to be in one. So team sports and team games, so everyone got to be on the same page to be able to play at that high level.”


The rehab component that you went through this offseason and ramping your arm back up. Just what did you alter or change, how is your approach coming into this season different maybe than the previous two years?

“I think, honestly, it’s really just blocking out all the bull***, honestly. Outside, it was tough coming in two years ago, different environment, different team, different all that. So, you know, you come in and your character’s been mentioned this way and kind of flip on you and biggest thing, you’re trying to get people to like you or improve. But now it’s like, at the end of the day, it’s two years in and if you don’t like me or you have your own opinions, then, yeah, it is what it is. So, I think blocking out all the noise and focusing on me and focusing on what I need to do to be the best Deshaun Watson I could be for myself, my family and my teammates.”


Deshaun, you spoke so highly of Amari during the spring when he was holding out just how happy were you that everything got resolved, and that he’s back out here this week and just getting him back into the core of this offense?

“Yeah, it’s great. I mean, this is very special to have a guy like him, not just the talent and experience that he had for just me and the offense and that receiver group, but just him as a teammate, him as a person, just to have him in that locker room, the energy he brings, everyone, you know, enjoys him. A lot of people, of course, don’t get to see the real Amari, of him just kind of being talkative. You know, most people think he’s very super quiet, but, you know, when he’s around guys in the locker room is very comfortable, and, you know, he shows a lot of character. So, it’s good to have him back in the locker room, and it’s good to see that they can meet on a fair, both sides and get him back here playing for us.”


Deshaun, to some degree all eyes have always been on you. You’ve always been scrutinized. Was it tough these last two years, though, to block out all the bull***?

“I mean, yeah, of course, you know, my character was getting challenged. Like I said, I know who I am, and a lot of people never really knew my history. I knew who I really was, so, they’re going based off other people’s opinions and whatever other people are saying, but, yeah, I’m a person. I like to have people like me, and I feel like a lot of people are like that. So sometimes things are in your brain, you just gotta turn and just gotta forget it. It is what it is.”


Did you seem down, especially after the injury? Do you feel kind of unburdened now or free and more like yourself?

“I mean, of course, yeah. I mean, I took 2021 off, didn’t play ball. Had the suspension, so missed a lot of ball, and I’m trying to come back. And last year, I thought that was going to be the year where I can play a full year and get a full season under my belt. And the injury happened. So, you know, I was there very disappointed, not just because I couldn’t show exactly what I can do for this organization. And, yeah, I understand that they put a lot into me, but sometimes the injuries you can’t control. So, a lot of things kind of didn’t fall in place the last few years, but you know, praying and taking one day at a time that everything I’m going to do this year.”


Deshaun, in that team period today, I know there are no shows and all that, but I did see you take a few snaps from under center and throw out of that formation. Is that going to still be a big part of the offense or how important is it to keep under center and pull off, not just out of shotgun?

“Yeah, I mean, we have everything. Whatever Kevin and Ken draw up for this system we’re going to go out there and execute. So, who knows what’s going to come. It might be four receivers stacked up on the line tomorrow. You know, you never know what’s going to happen. So, yeah, we just got to go in and watch the tape and whatever they draw up, we go out there and execute.”


With your shoulder feeling so good and the ball is coming out so well. How much is that contributing to the confidence that you have in yourself heading into the season?

“It starts with the work, all the work that I put in, all the long hours, the nights with the training style out in LA with all the PTs. Doctor Rob (Anderson), my bodywork guy. Guys with Quincy (Avery) on the football field, Billy (Volt), my strength and conditioning. I mean, everyone is playing a big part. So it’s a lot of work that a lot of people don’t see. You know, they see stuff on Instagram that I post a little bit, but that’s just the 1% that I am doing. You know, even when I go on vacation, I’m always working. So the work never stops. It always comes first. And I understand that that’s what’s going to take me over the next step.”


Did you put on some weight? You look bigger. Did you put on some muscle?

“No, I actually cut down on weight, which is good. Maybe muscle. I probably tone down a little bit like that, but it’s definitely the best shape I’ve been in the last couple years.”


Deshaun, this is the third year that Andrew Berry has added a wide receiver via trade. First it was Amari, last year it was Elijah (Moore), this year it’s Jerry Jeudy. Just how excited are you about what Jeudy could potentially do for you and bring to this offense?

“He’s explosive, he’s very elusive. Get the ball in his hands, let him work in space. He’s just like Coop and Elijah. Guys can run routes and they take pride in that. So they’re very detailed. We watch tape every morning and every night just going over maybe one or two routes. ‘Okay, this is what I’m saying. What are you seeing?’ We’re getting on the same page. So when we get to those games, you know, it just works like clockwork. The timing and the execution is very good. So, you know, AB is doing a heck of a job of putting guys around us, and we got to put it together so we can go out there and score a lot of points for this team every single game.”


Talking about your approach this season. What’s your motivation?

“Just being the best Deshaun Watson can be for this team so we can get that ultimate goal and maximizing my potential and my talent, and that’s my motivation. I don’t have anything else that is going to motivate me.”


None of it’s proving people wrong like where you rank amongst quarterbacks?

“I don’t give two f*** with what other people say, to be honest.”


Deshaun, the last game you played where you had to come back. Did you learn anything from that? That maybe after the game we find out you got broken bone, ankle sprained, that maybe you don’t have to do it all and you got all these weapons around and you just distribute it and let them make it happen?

“No, it’s not me trying to do too much. I think that’s you guys trying to make it seem like I’m doing too much. You know, I’m just trying to execute the play. Sometimes the play calls is to try to take a shot. Sometimes the play call is me running the ball and just being myself. Like I said, I took a hit one time, and sometimes it just went the opposite way and sometimes you can control it, sometimes you can’t. So, like I said before I played on injuries before. I played on a torn ACL in Clemson, I played on broken ribs, a punctured lung in Houston. I played on an AC joint, a broken collarbone, I played on broken fingers. Just check the history. I’ve done it all. So, if I’m on the field, I’m gonna give the best I can. I don’t never try to do too much. I just try to do what’s best to execute that play at the time. And my teammates know that. So that’s why you guys ask my teammates the question, they give the same answer that I give. ‘I don’t think he’s trying to do too much. I think he’s just trying to execute the play.'”


How much does this offense sort of draw from a lot of what you did successfully, maybe even all the way back to Clemson? Maybe is this sort of picking from a lot of different offenses you played in before or is it sort of its own unique creature?

“Yeah, I think it’s very unique. I think it’s just not just for the quarterback perspective, but I think it’s just for all the skillset that we have at receiver. I think it’s a different skill set that you guys have all seen in the receiver room. You know, we got very elusive guys that can play all positions. We got different tight ends. It’s not just one tight end that can be very athletic. We got three tight ends that can play receiver, that can play in the backfield, that can play out wide. We got running backs that is very shifty. You know, we got a lot of different things that is different than what most people that watch this organization have seen. So, you got to put all that together. You got to put all that in perspective. And if you can do that, then you put that in place. You start with the quarterback, obviously, and then you kind of trickle out to everyone else. All right, ‘what are people good at?  How can we give different looks and put people in different positions so they can execute their skill set, too?’ You know, it’s all in one.”


The schedule this year. Obviously, you know how good the quarterbacks are within this division already. But, you know, with some of the other teams on the schedule this year, especially like (Patrick) Mahomes is on there, Dak (Prescott) is on there, (Justin) Herbert’s on there. So, these other guys that are considered the best in the league. Just how much do you relish kind of an opportunity to- I know you’re not going up against them, offense versus defense- but just go toe-to-toe with those guys this year.

“That’s fun. That’s what the NFL is about, being able to compete with the best and be able to show what you got. It’s a great opportunity for not just me but this team to go against the best quarterbacks in this league. And each and every week we got the opportunity. So, it’s definitely going to be some fun games and hopefully some shootouts. And the job is to make sure we outscore the other opponent.”


I know you guys see (Nick) Chubb working behind the scenes all last year. They have him up back on the field with his jersey on again. Is that much of a lift to the rest of the team? Do you think that’s the next stage of him coming back?

“Yeah, I think I mentioned this before, like at my camp, actually. When someone asked that question, it’s no surprise to us. Chubb is going to put the work in. He’s probably, if not, the hardest worker on this team. And he wants to come back and not just prove the people, but just prove himself that he’s going come back and be able to have a lot more football left in him. And I know that he want to help this team out and chase our ultimate goal, and I think that he’s doing that. He’s on track of doing that. I can’t speak for him or the athletic trainers, but from what I see, I know he’s been in a positive mindset, and he’s been working super hard to make sure that he’s doing everything he can to be able to get back on the field for us.”


Do you want to play in the preseason? Do you need to play in the preseason?

“That’s a Kevin decision.”


He said he hasn’t decided. Where are you right now on that?

“If I’m playing, I’m on the field. I gotta go out there and perform. So anytime I’m on that field, I’m competing. And if I play it and I play, if not, then I support my teammates.”


Deshaun, Kevin was one of the reasons why you wanted to come here in the first place when you guys got together, talked ball, whiteboard, all that kind of stuff. What is it about his play-calling and the way that he works with you that you like so much?

“Yeah, he’s a player’s coach, and he really takes information from the quarterback and all his skill guys. He wants to maximize our opportunity and what we’re seeing on the field, and then he draws up plays, him and Ken. This year he’s doing a heck of a job of meeting together, communicating together in the offensive meeting rooms and also in the QB meeting room. So, we’re not just hearing one voice, we hear multiple voices, and they’re on the same page, as you can see, as well. I can see you guys haven’t seen it yet, but, yeah, I mean, Kevin is definitely, like I said before, he’s the one big reason why I wanted to come to Cleveland and be a part of this system and win a lot of games with him.”


This is your fourth year at the Greenbrier. What are some of the experiences you have been accustomed to enjoying being here? Kind of a pro at it now.

“Yeah, you hit it right on the head. I mean, it’s really. I know the workers, I know the people at the hotel, and I walked in the other day and they all saying, ‘What’s up, Mr. Watson. Good to see you again.’ And I know exactly where to go. I’m helping guys out to their rooms and stuff, so I enjoy it, you know, be able to get the mountain views that we don’t actually get to see or normally get to see. And just kind of being out here with the guys and just building that chemistry and that team bonded is definitely fun. So, you get to know and experience, you know, different things with different players that, you know, naturally don’t get the experience when you’re back in home because everyone kind of have their separate lives. But when you’re here, you know, you’re in one area and you get to enjoy that. So, it’s pretty cool. I enjoy it.”

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