LB Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah (6.11.24)

Alright, so year two in this defense. What can you guys do to sort of build on what you did last year?

“Oh, well, it’s about finding the mistakes that we had. Finding the things that we didn’t do as well as we wanted to, and correcting those mistakes. It doesn’t have to be complicated. We don’t have to go to the moon, you know, find another planet. Right? I think the simplest thing is to find the things that we did wrong with, correct those things.”


Is that kind of nice to be able to build on that success you had? You know, obviously, there hasn’t always been that kind of stability here, but just sort of to build on what you’ve had from last year?

“Yeah. The good thing about, you know, when a team has success or whether it’s little or a lot, there’s a culture that’s built. When the culture is built, then there’s a system that people can and step right into and continue to do the same things, find the things that will elevate and what they can use to build on that same culture that has already been there. So, I think for us, it’s good to see that we still have the same culture, the same attitude, the same principles, right? We could just go right in and move forward.”


What kind of taste has that Houston game left?

“Not a good one. Not a good one. I mean, obviously, we lost. You know, anytime that is not a ‘W’ or win, then it’s no bueno.”


How much of a difference do you feel going into year four versus as a rookie? Like, how much do you think you’ve grown? How much more comfortable are you now?

“Well, each year is a progression, you know, with experiences, with time, with meeting new coaches, meeting new players. There’s always something that you’re feeding off of. There’s always something that you’re growing off of. So, I think that each year, you know, even every day, right? Even every day, we grow 1%. So I think that, you know, the more that you’re here, the more intensity that you put to the time that you have, the more you’ll grow.”


Especially as a leader, I mean, I know this room looks so different this year with A-Walk (Anthony Walker Jr.) gone, Taki (Sione Takitaki) gone, you’re the guy. What is it like now? I mean, you very quickly have become kind of like the “old guard.”

“You know, we still got J (Jordan) Hicks. So, you know, I ain’t too old yet, but, I mean, it’s good to – again, there’s always an evolution, right, with the system that you build. So, I think the evolution for me is kind of starting to step into more of a veteran role, more tutoring and, ‘Hey, look, I think that you can do this better.’ Guys looking up to you saying, ‘Hey, look, you know, what can I do with my technique here for me to better at this?’ So, of course, there’s everybody. Every student, you know, has to become a master someday. Every master has to start off as a student. So, you know, continue and progress there.”


Where are you at with the progression?

“I’m a student still.”


Do you know? I guess it’s kind of weird thing to ask. Do you know when you become a master?

“The thing with every master is they usually, they’ll say, ‘I know nothing.’ You know, every wise man, any monks and things like that, right? They all, ‘I don’t know anything. Knowledge is nothingness,’ you know, all spiritual stuff that’s going on. But I think that’s the beauty about knowledge, that’s the beauty about experiences, is that, you know, even with the more that you have, the more kind of humble you are. You just say, ‘Hey, look, I’m still the student. I’m still here to learn. I’m still here to progress in my knowledge and everything that I’m doing.'”


Do you think the game, like, slowed down for you last year with reading and reacting? Guys talk about that as they get older.

“Yeah, I mean, slow down. I mean, I don’t necessarily categorize it as slowing down. I think it’s more so just understanding the positions that are around you, understanding your position more. Understanding, you know, the offensive personnel and things like that, you start to have more knowledge, other things, right. For some people, you know, they say it slows down. For me, it’s more just, you know, I have a better understanding of the game, better IQ.”


I think coming out of last year, a lot of people said, “JOK had a great year.” How did you feel last year? Are you happy with how you did?

“Not necessarily. I mean, it’s good to kind of get the acknowledgement, you know, Pro Bowl and everything. But, I mean, I think there’s a higher level to it, and whenever there’s a high level, you know, there can’t be this satisfying attitude, right? I think for me it’s more so there’s a lot more to do. There’s a lot more to conquer and to persevere through you know, I haven’t necessarily gotten the amount of tackles that I want. I haven’t gotten the amount of TFLs that I want. I haven’t gotten the amount of interceptions that I want. And, you know, when I have Dalvin (Tomlinson) in front of me, you know, it’s very hard to see the quarterback but, you know, he will get there at some point.”


Where does that anticipation come from, that ability to kind of see? There’s times where it seems like you see the play before the court happens.

“Well, I think it’s preparation. It’s the coaches, it’s my teammates, it’s A-Walk saying, ‘Hey, look, this is a draw. Hey, look, you know, this is crack toss,’ right? I think, you know, for me it’s a combination of many things. It’s not just my own personal understanding of IQ, but it’s all those, all the encompassing reasons. You know, the coaches, even the janitors, right? I always give salutes to the janitors. Even the janitors picking up that one towel right there, you know, that kind of contributed for me, getting that TFL, right. You know, it’s a program, it’s a team, and all of that kind of circles back to that.”


It seemed like last year you put on some more weight, more muscle. What has that process been like? And are you still an alkaline vegan and doing all that stuff?

“Oh, yeah. I probably would never eat flesh a day in my life again. Nah, nevertheless, you know, it’s always a progression as well. The more information that I get, the more places that I travel. I’m like, ‘Oh, okay, this particular plant or this particular fruit is a little bit different, and I can maybe use this to maximize my energy, maximize my game.’ So, there’s always a progression in elevation with that too.”


Do you feel like you’ve sort of fine-tuned that stuff now? Your diet, your weight, all that? So you’re kind of where you want to be?

“Yeah, I mean, we kind of have like a platform to which to go off a foundation and then you kind of just add little pieces to the foundation. You know, just new things that may, new studies that may come out, things like that.”


Jeremiah, do you have much thought to get a new contract before you start this season?

“Not necessarily. I mean, my agents really handle those things. If they, you know, are negotiating, they’ll contact me and they’ll, you know, give you certain prices and things like that. Like, ‘Hey, look, what are you looking for?’ But I don’t give much thought to it. It’s really about ball.”


Is that easy to kind of put out of your mind? Or is it a process where you have to remind yourself, “hey, don’t worry about this I can’t control it type of thing?

“Well, it’s about compartmentalization. There’s a time for it, and then there’s a time to focus on football. You know, there’s different. You know, you may go home and maybe six o’clock at night, you’re done studying, and then, okay, you may get some time to it, but there’s always a time and place for everything.”


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