DE Myles Garrett (12.20.20)

DE Myles Garrett:

On QB Baker Mayfield’s recent performances:

“Like you said, he is hot. He is playing with his hair on fire. With our rushing game rolling and our passing game going, it is hard to stop. We just have to be able to back him up, be able to get stops and get the ball back to them so they can put points on the board.”

On keeping the NY Giants out of the end zone tonight:

“It is about bend, don’t break. They got some yardage, but we are trying to keep them off the board. At the end of the day, we are trying to have more points than they do. Whatever we have to do get a W in that win column, we are going to do. It is nice to keep them out of the end zone, but at the end of the day, a W is a W, however we get it.”

On the Browns reaching 10 wins, understanding the 1-0 focus:

“It is nice. I have not done it since I have been here so it is an achievement I am proud of. It has to be something that we continue to do. We have to finish this year strong and we have to keep on going 1-0 each week. We must have that mindset that this is the first year of many that we can do something like this, if we hold each other closely, keep our chemistry and play for each other.”

On the importance of each game seeming to build as the team continues to push for a postseason berth:

“Every game matters. We are still trying to get in like you said, and nobody is going to lay down. You saw that with the Jets today by getting one over on the Rams. There is nobody in the NFL who is going to lay down and let you take something from them. We have to be desperate out there and play with desire. That is what it is all about – discipline and desire. We just have to come with that attitude every Sunday or Monday.”

On how much longer it takes him to feel 100 percent after a game, given the impact of his COVID-19 recovery:

“I am not sure. I am just getting over a coughing fit from the locker room earlier. I am trying to get some water into my system and be able to breath. Taking those deep big breaths are tough right now with the shortness of breath and that turning into a cough or getting choked up. You just have to find a way. It is about desire. It does not matter how I feel, I have to do something on the field. When I get off of the field, I can catch my breath and maybe go see someone and try to work with someone. Hopefully, if we make it to the playoffs, I can try to get myself to as close to 100 percent as possible.”

On DT Sheldon Richardson’s impact today, Richardson sustaining an injury in the game and how Richardson seemed after the game:

“He looked pretty good to me. He was smiling and joking, like his usual She;. I don’t know what the prognosis is right now, but seeing him walk around with a smile on his face is a good enough sign to me.”

On Richardson’s plays on fourth down early in the game:

“We made a lot of good situational plays on defense. His was just one of three or four that we had. He is a big time player. That is why he is here. We see him do it time and time again, and I expect nothing less out of him.”

On if playing in the game is a little more difficult than people may think, given the impact of his COVID-19 recovery: 

“It’s bound to affect your lungs, and I feel like I need those to be out there and give my full effort. It is hard to make a move or do something that you know is going to expend a lot of energy, knowing that you have to do it again the next play and the next play. It kind of throws off what I am doing, but just have to go out there and make it happen. Today, we did. Me and (DT) Larry (Ogunjobi) were able to get on the board with the second-to-last play. It is tough. I am trying not to think about it during the game. Just make sure I get as much oxygen as I can and keep rolling.”

On if the Browns paid attention to other AFC games today when waiting for Sunday Night Football and if that impacted how the team approached the game, given potential playoff implications:

“I did not look at any of that honestly. I didn’t see any of it. I was taking nap. I wasn’t really watching the games; I was preparing for mine. Started stretching, talked to my family, played golf with my dad on the phone and got ready for the game. I was not worried about what anyone else was doing. I know what we have to do on the field. All we are worried about is us.”

On CB Denzel Ward’s impact tonight:

“He is lockdown. He is The Warden for a reason. People do not want to throw his way. Having that kind of boost knowing if everyone else is doing their job, they are not going to be able to throw his way and that gives us just a little more time. They were not trying to drop back and throw the ball. They were trying to make it a rushing game, but that was partly because of what he is doing in the back end there and playing a good game.”

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