DE Isaiah Thomas (8.14.22)


On having a good performance at Jacksonville:

“Oh yeah, a really good night. It was fun to get my feet wet, first NFL game being around all of the vets and all of the fans and putting on a show out there for the guys. It was fun.”


On the message from coaches after evaluating the film from the Jacksonville game:

“Obviously, the coaches acknowledge all of the good things and whatnot. It is more so they expect that. We have been practicing it. We are here for a reason. They drafted us because of our abilities. Obviously, they hone in on the things that we could have done better. That is the main thing is we are striving to be the best versions of ourselves and the best version of the team we can be so that is really what they focus on.”


On his two sacks and additional TFL:

“Really, it just came down to me believing in my abilities. Just went back to my college days of being out there on that field on the big stage and believing in myself, telling myself that I belong here and that I am here for a reason. Coach just kept telling me to emphasize the things that we have been practicing as far as my pash rush skills and as far as reading – see a little, see a lot. It really just came down to me relying on what I have been coached and what my study habits have been as far as film wise. After those big plays that you guys have seen, it really just came down to little details that led to those.”


On if those three plays were primarily the result of beating his man:

“Essentially, it may have looked like that. I guess overall, I could say that I did beat my man, but you could say me applying my technique as far as I would not just say beating him but working to get to where I needed to be at the right time.”


On some coaching points the Browns coaches have given him to develop since joining the team:

“Just little technique things as far as steps, hand placement and reading essentially the type of blocks I am getting, seeing the backfield set and getting familiar with formations, the boundary, motions and whatnot and what to expect. Little things to see so I can have my step be that much faster and that much more lateral and just focused on running to the ball and getting into the pile.”


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