CB Myles Harden (5.11.24)

What’s the week been like for you so far?

“It’s been good so far. It’s just great being out here in Cleveland and just learning from new guys, seeing the coaches and everybody here.”


How does a guy from South Florida or Florida end up in South Dakota?

“Just the relationships I built with the coaches, Coach (Elijah) Hodge, Coach (Travis) Johansen, built a good relationship with me and my family and also my teammate that’s there now, Josiah (Ganues). They recruited both of us out of high school. So just me and him going there and the relationship I had with Coach Hodge and Coach Johansen, that’s what led me going there.”


It seemed like from reading about you that maybe you had some interest from FBS schools, but that it was important for you to stay in South Dakota and not enter the portal or anything. Can you just kind of tell us about that aspect of who you are and why it was important to stay there?

“It’s important because my family raised me on loyalty. Like, we’re loyal people. And everywhere I started, I finished. From optimist to high school and college, everywhere I started, I finished. So in the family I built at South Dakota, I wouldn’t leave them for nothing.”

Was it a culture shock when you got there?

“Not really. It was a weather shock. Yeah, it was a weather shock. But it was also coming from a big city, going to a small town, that was also a big adjustment, but I did well.”


You played against Missouri. Missouri was one of the teams you played last year. When you played a team like that, you know, guys like Burton and, you know, the guys receivers they had, how much did you kind of elevate, try to elevate your game in those games and how much did you feel like that’s games like that prepare you for what, the jump you’re about to play?

“I did a lot to prepare my game mentally. Just being able to diagnose film, and watch the little details that they could give me to help me play faster. I feel like that helped me play faster that game and had the game I had.”


You have some good cornerbacks on this team. Have you met any of them yet?

“I met Denzel (Ward) yesterday. It was good, you know, Coach (Brandon Lynch) had brought him in the locker room to see me. It was good to see him and just talk to him. And hopefully, I’m gonna be under his wing soon.”


What have these last couple of days been like for, you know, for you walking in this building and you’re kind of getting a crash course not only in the National Football League, but you know, what the Browns are going to be expecting?

“It’s been surreal. It still hasn’t hit me yet that I’m in the NFL right now. It’s just crazy that I’m here standing in this position that I’m in right now, and it’s been surreal. So I’m just taking it in day by day and taking it day by day.


How much you did play inside in college or high school?

“I did it in college, like, the past two years. I started moving inside and playing inside. So I’m open to it”


What’s the difference?

“I just feel like the biggest thing going inside is more room inside. You know, it’s a two-way go rather than outside. You pretty much could send them one way. So I just say inside is two-way go. That’s the biggest adjustment it would be.


Could you play safety?

“Safety? I play safety. I play safety in high school, so it’s nothing new to me.”


Yeah, Miles, I know the corners that are here already always talk about loving playing for Brandon Lynch and how he is as a coach would have been your first impressions of him and getting out there on the field?

“And actually, I love coach man. Coach (Lynch) cool. Coach cool. And he’s a former Missouri Valley guy, so we already established a relationship with that. So that linked us a little bit closer for him knowing where I came from, and he came from the same place. But coach is cool, and I like the coaching he’s given me and everything he’s doing with me.”


Can you talk about who you played in high school?

“We played at St. Thomas. Yeah, the major schools.”


What was that like?

It was good just going against the best competition every week, playing St. Thomas, American heritage, Dillard, Northwestern. It was just great going out there, playing against good schools and having the competition we had down there before.”


Did you visit here beforehand?

“No, sir.”


So when the Browns selected you, you were like, they know me?

“Yeah. Yeah. It was crazy, because when (Andrew) Berry called me, I saw him on the phone. I didn’t know who it was at first, because when I got the phone call, my background just everybody started yelling and stuff, so I couldn’t hear, really. But I heard when he said, it’s the Cleveland Browns, and I got happy right there. I just knew I was coming home.”


How was that conversation?

“I heard some of the conversation, so I knew where I was going, and he told me he was gonna call me later, so we ended up talking later.”


Jim Schwartz loves man coverage, is that something you thrive in and get excited about?

“Yeah, it is. I played man coverage in college as well, so it’s nothing new to me. I [can] go out there and play man, get in somebody’s face.”


There’s so much. There are so many teams that play zone in the NFL. So excited you played at some place where they do value playing man to man, and they do kind of put that on you?

“Yeah. I do. Just being able to go out there and play mano a mano and just having to go out there and beat the person in front of me, not letting them catch the ball.”


A lot of rookies are expected to come in and contribute on special teams. How do you think you fit into that equation?

“I think I fit into it well. I just go out there and play any role they put me in, I’m willing to do it, so I think I cancontribute to it.”


You getting a crash course on the new kickoff rule right now from Bubba (Ventrone)?

“Yeah, we are. We’re gonna start soon I believe. But he went over a little bit.”


Are you used to doing all of this media?

“Oh, not with, like, all the cameras right here, no. It would probably be like one or two. But no not really, I didn’t do that much media coverage.”



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