C JC Tretter (9.13.21)


On the biggest positive takeaway from yesterday’s game:

“For the offensive line, I think we ran the ball pretty well. I think we were pretty efficient. If you look at run efficiency, I think we averaged a decent amount per run. There are always things we can improve. I think we left a yards out there, but overall for the first game of the season, I think we ran the ball pretty well.”


On how the Browns learn how to finish games other than just doing it:

“I think it is just attention to detail throughout the entire game. Every moment throughout the game is important. Making sure you have the no lulls and no little let downs throughout the game. We had a few as it got later on, and that is just something we need to clean up. It is as much about finishing as it is about doing the right thing for all 60 minutes, no matter where that comes. You could have those mistakes in the first quarter and that could put you behind or it could happen in the fourth quarter and they can say it is not finishing. We just need to be more effective throughout the entire game.”


On the mindset when the coaches give the Browns offense the opportunity to go for it on fourth down and for two-point conversions, especially early in a game:

“I think that is what we would like to do as players, too. I think we feel really good about going out there and making first downs and being put in those situations to have to perform. It is good for us and we are excited when we get the opportunity to go out there and have another shot at it. (Head Coach) Kevin (Stefanski) is an aggressive coach, and Kevin is going to give us the opportunity to go out and make those plays so that is something we look for.”


On T Chris Hubbard’s performance after replacing T Jedrick Wills Jr.:

“Chris played well. It is always tough to lose a guy in the middle of a game and have somebody come and step in. That is never an easy situation for that player or the entire team. You have to get used to everybody. I think we handled it well. Chris is a grizzled veteran. He has been in those situations plenty. The expectation is he can step in and play as a starter at a high level so we never really worry about it when Chris has to come into the game because he has shown it time and time again that he is able to do that.”


On QB Baker Mayfield’s performance  and how the Brown offense can help Mayfield close out games:

“I do not think it is a ‘he has to close out the game;’ we have to close out the game. We have to perform, and all of us have a piece in that. The offensive line has to protect better at the end. We have to pick up yards, and we have to do everything the right way. I would not say this is all a Baker thing and that Baker is going to have to be the one who leads us to the promised land. We all have to do all of the little things to win those games. That is really what it comes down to is the little things. It is all of the little details and doing all of the right things when the pressure is at its highest and the crowd noise is at the loudest. Everybody has to be dialed in and do the right things in those situations.”


On what the first half success says about the Browns offense and if it bodes well for the future:

“I think we played well early on. I do not think it matters too much. In the end, next week we are going to play a totally different opponent and have a totally different gameplan. We are going to have to go out there and produce the same way if not better. I do not really look for those ‘what does this mean going forward.’ We played well early on. We needed to do more to win that game at the end, and we did not do it. After probably tonight or tomorrow, we move past it and move onto the Texans. Then the whole thing starts over again. There are 17 of those this year where you have to forget about the last one, go into it and be ready to perform at your highest availability and be ready for next time.”


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