QB Deshaun Watson (9.25.24)

Deshaun, given all of the injuries that you guys have and now Wyatt (Teller) going on IR for four games, what gives you reason for hope and excitement about where this offense can go Sunday in Las Vegas?

“It’s a new week. I’m excited about the opportunity for Zak (Zinter) and all the guys that are going to be in that rotation. Whoever is out there is going to give everything they got, and it’s another opportunity for us to be able to go out there and perform and try to execute at the highest ability and try to get a W. I’m excited about everything. My hope is always up with these guys, and I know how hard everyone in this building works, so everyone wants that opportunity. So, this is the time for everyone to be able to show up and execute.”


Deshaun, how important is it to work together with the offensive line because guys are in and out like that to create that communication that you have with them?

“Yeah. I mean, the biggest thing is just really just making sure we’re on the same page. So if we’re all on the same page, then we just follow our basic rules and fundamentals. And then after that, you just got to win your matchup. And just being able to know exactly where certain guys on defense are and how we want to protect it up and then pretty much go from there. So, communication is always key, regardless of who’s out there or not.”


Deshaun, how much do you think the slow start for the offense is trying to learn the new offense that you guys are running?

“I’m not sure on that. We just got to continue to just start fast and when we do, we got to continue to pick up speed. We can’t slow down. So that’s the only thing I can say about that.”


Do you think it has anything to do with it?

“I don’t know. I don’t know.”


Deshaun, you talked about the communication with the offensive line, how much do you think that is responsible or important it is when you’re talking about picking up those blitzes that maybe you don’t expect going into a game and the team blitzes you a lot like the (New York) Giants did. How much of that is being on that same page with that line?

“I mean, yeah, we just all got to see it through the same eyes and through the same scope. And that’s where you come to the sideline, you adjust, you watch, you look at the tablet seeing what they’re doing, and you try to pick it up. You know, the Giants did a good job of mixing up pressures when they brought it, and we just didn’t capitalize on that. So, we just got to settle in and be able to make those adjustments. Each and every week, there’s going to always be a new wrinkle to a blitz that a team showed. But until we pick it up, we might see that. So, we just got to continue to just keep our eyes and head up and communicate throughout the whole process and try to make sure we’re seeing everything through the same eyes.”


Deshaun, I think last week you said that you’re always going to trust your instincts and we know that you were going to extend some plays and whatnot, but given the injuries on the offensive line and the fact that teams are blitzing you a lot more, do you think that you need to make it a point to get the ball out of your hands a little bit quicker?

“Well, we got to all be on the same page. It depends on the blitz, too. You know, it might be a man cover blitz, it might be a zone pressure blitz. It just depends on the blitz. So just because the ball is getting out of my hands fast doesn’t mean that we’re going to be explosive or not. So sometimes we might have the protection and the guys to pick it up, we just got to block it up. The routes might be a little bit different. It might not be quick game on the blitzes. It might be deep shots that we did last week and the previous week before and we just didn’t pick up those blitz. So, it just depends on the route concept.”


Deshaun, are you used to taking all of the heat for when things aren’t going right on an offense? Have you been through a period like this before in your career where it just seems like, and I know you’re probably blocking out the noise, but where it seems like you’re taking the full blame for the offense’s struggles?

“I mean, I probably have, but, you know, ‘too much is given, much is required’ and I’ve always lived by that on and off the field. So, when everything is going right, then you get the praise and when everything is going bad, you get the blame. So, it’s part of the NFL, it’s part of this position. So, to me, it doesn’t bother me. We just got to find ways to continue to get better each and every week.”


In the preseason, you kind of chuckled when you said you were going to try to avoid taking a hit if you could. You’ve taken a bunch in three weeks. I’m just wondering, physically, how you’re holding up.

“I’m holding up very well. So, doing really good, feeling well, each and every week, just got to recover, regroup, get with my team and all the treatment and regen that we have in this building and make sure I’m ready to go on Sundays, but right now I’m feeling good.”


You haven’t seemed to have hesitated at all and tucked it and gone when you needed to. Were you confident that that was going to come back naturally, that despite some time off, that you’d be able to do those things again?

“Of course. I think I mentioned that. I think someone asked me that during training camp or earlier. And just, when I’m on the field, I’m not thinking about anything but trying to make something positive happen. So, until I have to be dragged off the field or something like that, I’m going to go 110%. That just always been my MO. So I’m never gonna hesitate on pulling or running, things like that. Obviously, I’m going to be smart and not trying to run up or run over no defensive guy. That’s not my specialty. But if I can make something happen and try to get something positive, then I’m going to do that for sure.”


Deshaun, after watching the tape, what was one thing that you took away that you yourself could do better from an offensive perspective? 

“As far as individually or just overall offense?”



“If I had to pick something, I would probably say… Just continue to just get on the same page with the receivers. To the normal eye of a fan, it might seem like a pass was off, or you know, things like that. I’m the type of player and quarterback that I can adjust and make every throw, regardless if we’re not on the same page. But I think just continue to get on the same page in certain situations. I think that’s the biggest thing. So, if that’s a little extra film work with the receivers, extra walk-throughs, just communicating on the sideline a little bit better, all those things.”


On that fourth and one play, where it seemed like Jordan (Akins) was open and you ran the ball, to make the case that you’re not seeing the field well this season. So my question to you is are you seeing the field well and maybe what are other people not seeing on that particular play?

“Because other people are not in the film room, so not everyone knows exactly what the read was. That was a decoy, so, that’s the difference. Everyone can pause a tape and say, ‘Hey, he should have thrown it here, he should have thrown it here.’ Every quarterback deals with that. So if you choose one play and that’s the play out of the whole game that everyone is calling, then so be it. It is what it is. No one’s in those film rooms, no one is making those decisions. So I go based off of, ‘What is Ken Dorsey and Kevin Stefanski saying?’ And, on that decision, they made a good play. They got jammed up on the slant. That’s what we did it. The previous time when we scored a touchdown, I did the same as that read and I hit Jerry (Jeudy). So, I mean, did I see it wrong then? So for me, it’s just, like I said before, it’s just I go based off what Kevin and Ken are making those decisions and how they’re grading me on that.”


Would you like to see more designed runs in the game plan?

“For me?”



“No (laughing). I’m not going in there to ask them for more designed runs.”


Is there any way to avoid it knowing you’re going to run with the ball from time to time?

“I’m not trying it. If I don’t have to run, I’m not going to run. So, I’m not trying to take any hits.”


Why not more designed runs?

“Because I’m not a running quarterback, in a sense. I can make things happen, but I’m not trying to run. I’m not a running back. It’s not my specialty. They signed me to throw the ball, make decisions, and be a quarterback, not a runner.”


With that, Deshaun, I mean the fact that the running game has not gotten going with Nick Chubb out, how much does that hurt the growth of this offense?

“We just always just got to get on the same page. I mean, we can’t rely on just one player, injuries happen. Some people can play this week, some people can’t. So, in the time being, we don’t have Nick Chubb right now. So, we got to make everything happen with the guys that we have in that locker room.”


You preach ‘next man up’ mentality, but what has Wyatt Teller meant to the offensive line? Obviously, they just announced that he’s on IR. 

“Yeah, it’s a huge loss for us. Wyatt is a pro’s pro. He gives everything each and every day. He comes, he works each and every week. He’s going to go full throttle regardless if he’s banged up or not. And he just knows exactly how to play that guard position. He helps out with all the guys up front, helps out with me, he goes to the final whistle. I mean, he’s a beast. So I think, you know, definitely we’re going to miss Wyatt and make sure that he gets healthy as soon as possible and when we get him back, we’re definitely going to be excited.”


How hard is it to succeed when you get sacked as much as you’re getting sacked, right? When you get sacked eight times and hit 17 times on Sunday, how hard is it as a quarterback to succeed like that?

“I mean, I think that’s a commonsense question, I think, honestly. Not being rude, I think just, yeah.”


Deshaun, do you have to continuously try to block out all the criticism that you’re getting right now? And also, do you block out where you are in QBR with your rating, the numbers that – all that stuff is flying around out there? So how are you handling all of that?

“I don’t see it, so I don’t focus on it.”


Is it frustrating for you, like fans try to put you in this box and say like, ‘hey, when’s the right time to make a play versus when’s the right time to kind of tuck it?’ It seems like they want you to be more frugal in that aspect. Is it frustrating for you because you know that you were brought in here to kind of turn this into a Super Bowl contender. So does that get a little bit frustrating to answer those questions?

“No, because I know reality. I see the game differently than the fans see it. So I don’t get frustrated because someone else’s opinion from seeing it from the stands or pausing it on tape think that this is the right decision. So, if you’re not a coach or playing the quarterback position, I might hear it depending on who you are. But at the end of the day, no one’s in the meeting rooms but me, Ken, Kevin, DTR (Dorian Thompson-Robinson) and Jameis (Winston). So we know the reads, we know exactly where the ball should go and like I said before, whatever grade that we get graded on each and every Monday after the game, that’s what we go with.”


You said you’re not looking for more designed runs, but just the threat of you as an athletic quarterback, how can that help you guys in the run game making them account for all 11 guys?

“I mean, it can. It possibly can, so I won’t say that it won’t help out the offense as far as just the run game. But I mean, coming back from an injury I don’t think that is high priority for Kevin to put me in that situation because go out there, and in design run and something happens, then it’s like you’re mad at Kevin. So I feel like it’s a lose-lose situation.”


What do you think the team’s mindset is; 1-2, and with all the injuries that you guys are facing?

“Just be 1-0 this week, trying to beat Vegas. That’s all our mindset is.”


Do you think the guys are still positive and optimistic?

“We got 14 more opportunities, so anything can happen in the NFL.”